The Mosher Lab

Public Data and Tools
Here, you will find links to short read data from our publications, as well as analytical tools we have developed – helping you find the right tree in a forest of information.

Gymnosperm transcriptomes
Assembled transcriptomes from Huang Y et al, 2015: Pinus canariensis: GBLJ00000000
Ephedra trifurca: GBKT00000000
Cycas revoluta: GBJU00000000
Brassica rapa epigenomes
Data from Grover JW et al, 2018:
sRNA-seq from RdDM mutant leaves and ovules: SRP114437
sRNA-seq from intraspecific seeds: SRP114469
RNA-seq from brnrpd1 mutant ovules and seeds: SRP132223
Data from Grover JW et al, 2020: PRJNA588293
RNA-seq and sRNA-seq from dissected seed tissues of intraspecific crosses
Bisulfite-seq of RdDM mutant leaves and ovules
sRNA and RNAseq from various seed stages

Data from Chakraborty T et al, 2021:
Bisulfite-seq data from mature embryos of wild type and RdDM mutants: PRJNA657007
Data from Burgess et al, 2022:
RNA-seq from rdr2 and nrpe1 ovules and young seeds: PRJNA808098
Rice sRNAs
sRNA-seq data from wild type and nrpd2-deficient leaves from Chakraborty T et al, 2022: PRJNA758109

Snakemake workflows
sRNA-seq processing and mapping workflow by Maya Bose:
Whole genome bisulfite seq workflow by Jeff Grover: